How to distinguish the original Titan-gel* from the fake.
Due to the huge popularity of Titan-Gel, more than 80% of this product sold now is a fake. Here we will show you how to distinguish the original Titan-gel from the fake copy.
The original Titan Gel is produced only in Russia and only by one company – Hendel, LLC. Neither the United States nor in Canada, nor in Israel, and in any other countries, this product is not produced. Hendel, LLC is the only company that produces it. If someone offers you Titan-gel manufactured in the United States or in Thailand – it is a fake copy.
Titan-Gel is available in black retail boxes, which are sealed with a film. The tube inside the box has black color and should not have any seal. Original Titan-Gel is not sold separately withouth the retail box.
*Please note that the results that you will get by using our products are individual and depend upon many factors.